
Over the last few weeks, we've been very busy building patios in time for Easter. Here are just a few before, after and in progress photos of a few different patios that we've built. Here at Sunset Developments, our dedicated patio team can create you a beautiful...

We are excited to be offering 15% off of all patios that are quoted for and ordered during the month of October. As the summer starts to become a distant memory and the nights draw in, now is the time to start thinking, and planning, for...

Do you have an electric car or are you considering an electric vehicle? If so, you will probably be wondering about how to get a car charging point installed. At Sunset Developments, we are very pleased to be able to offer a full groundworks service to assist...

In today's climate, adding a granny annex to your home, whether it's for elderly parents or to rent out, is becoming more and more popular. A well-built granny annex will cost around £1500 - £3000 per square meter. It can also add between 20-30% to the...

Are you looking to upgrade your driveway? Not sure what is the best material for the job?  Here at Sunset Developments, we are big fans of aggregate driveways. Commonly known as exposed aggregate because the gravel (or stone chips, in some cases) in the concrete mix...

If your house is on a slope, whether it's at the top of the slope or the bottom of the slope, there will be a few considerations to make when choosing the right surface for your sloping drive.    Sloping driveways can look spectacular. They can really...

With summer just around the corner, now is the time of year when many of us will be out in our garden, tidying up, planting and getting it ready for the summer. Sometimes though, it takes a little more than just a bit of weeding or...

Do I really need a concrete base for my garden building? This is one of the most popular questions that we get asked by customers who have purchased a wooden garden building and in short, the answer is YES you do need a concrete base for...

Do you have a garden that floods every time it rains or is constantly boggy? Here at Sunset Developments, we specialise in turning difficult to care for gardens, into gardens that can be enjoyed all year round. Our team has years and years of experience in...